Php Mysql Login System With User Levels Updated FREE

Php Mysql Login System With User Levels

PHP MySQL Login System

In this topic, nosotros will learn how to create a PHP MySQL Login System with the help of PHP and MySQL database. There are few steps given for creating a login arrangement with MySQL database.

Before creating the login arrangement first, we need to know well-nigh the pre-requisites to create the login module.


  • We should have knowledge of HTML, CSS, PHP and MySQL for creating the login organization.
  • Text Editor - For writing the code. We can use whatever text editor such as Notepad, Notepad++, Dreamweaver, etc.
  • XAMPP - XAMPP is a cross-platform software, which stands for Cross-platform(Ten) Apache server (A), MySQL (Yard), PHP (P), Perl (P). XAMPP is a complete software package, then, we don't need to install all these separately.

Environment Setup

Now, we need to starting time the webserver and create the files for the login organization. There are few steps that are given below to setup the environment.

  • Open the XAMPP Control Panel.
  • Start the Apache server by clicking on the Outset button.
  • Kickoff the MySQL by clicking on the Get-go button.
  • Create all the files needed for login.
  • Create login table in the database using phpMyAdmin in XAMPP.

Now, we will create four files here for the login system.

  1. alphabetize.html - This file is created for the GUI view of the login page and empty field validation.
  2. fashion.css - This file is created for the attractive view of the login grade.
  3. connection.php - Connection file contains the connection code for database connectivity.
  4. authentication.php - This file validates the form information with the database which is submitted by the user.

Salve all these files in the htdocs folder inside the Xampp installation binder. The detailed description and lawmaking for these files are discussed below.


First, we demand to blueprint the login form for the website user to collaborate with information technology. This login course is created using html and as well contains the empty field validation, which is written in JavaScript. The code for the index.html file is given below:

After executing the above lawmaking on the browser, the login folio volition appear as below if information technology does non comprise fashion.css file.

PHP MySQL Login System


Now, we volition create style.css file to provide a more attractive view to the login form. The CSS lawmaking for the style.css file is given below:

After including above CSS file in alphabetize.html, the login course will exist like -

PHP MySQL Login System

Notation: All these files should be saved in the same folder, so we tin can hands access them without whatsoever intermission.

Database and Tabular array Creation

Now, the next step is to create the database and the login table inside the database.

  • Access the phpMyAdmin on the browser using localhost/phpmyadmin/ and create a tabular array in the database. Hither we volition create a database and tabular array using GUI based phpMyAdmin rather than queries execution.
  • Click on New and enter the database name and and so click on Create button.
PHP MySQL Login System
  • Now we volition create a login table in the database. Create a tabular array by name login in the database which you have created earlier.
PHP MySQL Login System
  • Specify the cavalcade Name and their Type and Length in the tabular array in which we will store the username and countersign for the different users and relieve it by clicking on the salve button.
PHP MySQL Login System
  • Click on the insert, from where we can insert the records in columns. So insert the username and password here and click on Go button to relieve the record.
PHP MySQL Login System


Next step is to practise the connectivity of login class with the database which we have created in the previous steps. We will create connection.php file for which code is given beneath:


Now, we accept our database setup, so nosotros can go with the hallmark of the user. This file handles the login form information that sent through the index.html file. It validates the data sent through the login form, if the username and password match with the database, then the login will be successful otherwise login volition exist failed.

How to run the login grade?

  • To run the login form, open the xampp control panel and run the apache server and PHP.
  • At present, type localhost/xampp/binder name/file name in the browser and press Enter key.
  • All setup is washed now. Enter the username and password in the login form and click the login button.
PHP MySQL Login System
  • Here, nosotros have inserted an incorrect username, so the user is unable to log in, and information technology will give the login failed fault.


PHP MySQL Login System
  • At present, we volition provide correct value in the username and password. So, the user volition be successfully logged in. Come across in the below example.
PHP MySQL Login System


PHP MySQL Login System

Php Mysql Login System With User Levels



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